Showing posts with label Giveaway. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Giveaway. Show all posts

Sunday, December 13, 2015

MERRY AND BRIGHT: Christmas Themed Activities

Come on, you can do it! We're almost there! We know this week can be a little hectic, so some of my blogging friends and I want to share some tips to make this week before Christmas a little easier for you!
Just take a deep breath...
My students love "Christmas" themed activities! So, as soon as I change up a reading or math lesson and make it "Christmassy", they get excited and there's no groaning! :) It's amazing how changing the name of an activity, wrapping books up, adding Christmas clipart, copying on red or green paper, or making paper chains for each Reading Counts or behavior point earned will change the mood and mindset of kids!
I created this math game for math intervention and early finishers. Using dice, they calculate a number using any operation and then color in the ornament. Whichever players has the most colored ornaments is the winner. They BEG me to do math (play)!

Click here to get your copy. Your students will spend lots of "quiet time" playing this game! I plan on making several for the year! Stay tuned....
Want something to brighten your spirits too? This "Christmas" themed reading wreath will excite everyone and make an adorable display! Use with any fiction or non-fiction text. Your students won't mind thinking critically when they can sprinkle some creativity in their assignment!
This is part of a Reading Wreath Bundle!
Enter to win this and so many other goodies from the Merry and Bright Bloggers! You'll win lots of lessons for this last week and for January when we return! Our gift to you! :)
Check out some other fun ideas from other great bloggers!

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

The End is Near! Calendar/To Do List

Isn't this the time of year that EVERYONE gets a little crazy??!! I'm not sure what happens in April and May, but emotions and stress can run high. I have joined up with some superstar teachers to try to help alleviate some of that stress by giving you some helpful hints to de-stress and to host a giveaway for 4 lucky people!
The tip I'd like to share is simple, but effective. It requires the printing of a few pages and to cross things off as you complete them. I'm a visual person and like crossing things off my to do list. It makes me feel like I've accomplished something, even if my list is pages long, it still makes me feel better to draw that big black line through an item on the list. Plus, I like to know what's ahead of me.
First, you need to brainstorm a list of all things you HAVE to do and a list of all the things you'd LIKE to get done by the end of the year. You can do this alone or with teammates. From this list, you will plug each item in your calendar. TRY to only do ONE thing a day-this sets you up for success and will make your feel accomplished when you complete your task and can cross it off. The HUGE list by itself is too overwhelming...which is why so many of us get so stressed at this time of year. Take one day at a time. Enjoy your last days with your students and yourself! :)
Some possible items to include on your list:
  • end of year conferences-schedule dates
  • clean/organize top desk drawer 
  • take pictures of your classroom to remember when thinking of new ideas for decorating over the summer
  • measure your classroom space to create a new layout for next year
  • send home end of the year party information
  • make end of the year awards
  • organize files (not an entire file cabinet-1/2 a drawer-full drawer at a time)
  • inventory books
  • make a list of materials you will need over the summer (manuals, read alouds, professional books, paper, markers, etc.)
  • take an inventory of your room, what organizational items do you need to pack up for the end of the year? Labels, tubs, boxes, file folders, packing tape, etc.
Your calendar dates should have items that can be completed in one day, if the project is larger, it should be broken up into parts (like the file cabinet or your desk-one drawer at a time).
After you make your BIG list, start plugging in the items on your calendar, starting with the items that can be done right away. REMEMBER...only one a day! If you get ahead great, but the idea of this calendar/to do list is to underwhelm us, not overwhelm us! Think about how many days you have left...I have about 30, so that means I will get 30 things accomplished before school gets out! Yay! Now doesn't that sound satisfying, rewarding, and doable?

I've created a page to print on the back of each monthly calendar for notes and reminders for current/future months. This will help organize and keep track of my thoughts without having to commit to a "date" so far in advance.
Think about how you will feel once you get your calendar and list organized! You'll be happier and you'll see the light at the end of the tunnel. And, your students will feel your sense of calmness and behave better (well okay, I can't fix everything with a calendar, but they'll definitely be able to tell you're not stressed!) Would you like a copy of the calendars and to do lists?
I hope this Stress Free Tip helped you! I'd love to hear your comments or suggestions for the end of the year list ideas.

1 $75 Amazon gift card
1 $40 Target gift card
1 $25 TpT gift certificate
1 $20 Starbucks gift card
Enter below for your chance to win!

Friday, January 17, 2014

Favorite Childhood Teacher Scavenger Hunt and Giveaway!

After having my own giveaway, I know how appreciative I am of my friends who helped me celebrate my milestone! So...I'm excited to share in Erin and Susan's celebration!
The theme for this giveaway is Favorite Childhood Teacher!
This was so easy for me, even though I had so many wonderful teachers throughout my schooling! HANDS DOWN, Mrs. Barnette (yes, I still call her that!), WAS and STILL is my favorite teacher! She was my 5th grade teacher and made learning so fun and memorable. She marked my heart at a young age, inspiring me to be a teacher.

While in college, we reunited, and she helped with some of my classes. I was then placed at her school for my internship where we became very close again. I was offered a job, so then we were at the same school. Yay! At that time she taught ESE Resource and she pushed in to my class (I volunteered to take extra students so we could implement this model...see, we did push in before there was push in!!!) She was my mentor teacher and my go-to person my first year teaching...always there for me!

After I had my first son, she had moved back to the classroom and taught him for 1st grade. I was so happy my own child could experience her teaching! Then, I convinced her that it would be such a great opportunity to loop with that class to 2nd grade...and you probably already guessed it-she did it for me! (See why I love her??!!)
Then came my second son, he had her for first grade and again, she looped to 2nd grade again! (May as well have some consistency here!)

Did I mention she also mentored me for my National Board Certification too?? Oh yea, like I said, she has ALWAYS been there for me!

The best part is coming...last year she retired, but we got to teach 4th grade side by side for one year! This had always been my dream since I started teaching! I loved working so closely with her each day! (Secret: I think she liked the younger ones a little better! LOL) It's so wonderful when you teach with someone who share the same philosophy and passion as you do!
(We still meet for breakfast a few times a month to catch up...she can't get rid of me!)

I can't say enough about this woman who has had such a great impact on my life and my family's life. She's truly one of a kind and holds a special place in my heart!
I love you Mrs. Barnette and I hope every child gets a Mrs. Barnette in their life!

Yes, this is the Favorite Teacher Scavenger Hunt Giveaway where EVERYONE'S A WINNER! The prize pack includes more than 12 fabulous products from all the amazing teachers you see below!
I've donated my Promote Great Thinking Light Bulb Cards to the Scavenger Hunt!
My favorite teacher: Mrs. Barnette!

I've also donated my Scan to Win Reward Tickets to the grand prize giveaway-great way to incorporate technology and motivate your students!

Stop by Erin from Miss Lifesaver and Susan from Middle School OCD's blogs to enter this awesome giveaway!  
Button Graphics and Fonts by:
 Confetti Graphics, The Learning Site, I'm Lovin Lit, and Sheila Melton

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Last Day of Giveaway and Must Read Math Mentor Text: One Grain of Rice

Today is the last day to enter Head Over Heels for Teaching and Fourth Grade Flipper's amazing 1000 Followers New Year Celebration Giveaway

We have already given away ten days of prizes from our closest blogging buddies and our drawing at midnight EST tonight will have TWO Winners! The first winner will win a $50 Amazon gift card and the second winner will win a Classroom Friendly Pencil Sharpener in their choice of color!

Thank you to our talented friend, Amelia, from Where the Wild Things Learn 
for creating this SUPER giveaway button!

Congratulations to Gabrielle F.!! 
She won yesterday's Rafflecopter of products!

We are so grateful for the friendships we’ve formed and the collaborative community to which we belong! Our blogging buddies are a wonderful support group that are always there for us! We also appreciate our readers, followers, your comments, TPT supporters, and FB fans-you motivate us to create and share new ideas! It’s such a wonderful feeling to share inspiration and passion with others.
Thank you for sharing this journey with us!

Now it's time to link up with my buddies for their Must Read Mentor Text party! This week's focus is a math mentor text...I introduce to you One Grain of Rice.
I originally found this book in our old reading series and it's definitely a MUST READ! If you don't have a copy of this book, don't worry! Just click here for a printable version or click here for a PowerPoint version!

Here is an excerpt from the book:
Long ago in India, there lived a raja who believed that he was wise and fair. But every year he kept nearly all of the people’s rice for himself. Then when famine came, the raja refused to share the rice, and the people went hungry. Then a village girl named Rani devises a clever plan. She does a good deed for the raja, and in return, the raja lets her choose her reward. Rani asks for just one grain of rice, doubled every day for thirty days. Through the surprising power of doubling, one grain of rice grows into more than one billion grains of rice — and Rani teaches the raja a lesson about what it truly means to be wise and fair.

Pose a question to your students before reading, "Would you rather have $1,000 or one penny doubled for thirty days?" They always say $1,000! Then you can read the story or have them complete the chart to see how quickly the numbers grow before reading the text.
Here's a chart/worksheet from to complete with the story. The numbers get very large, so if you teach a primary grade you could demonstrate or allow them to use calculators.

Not only is the story wonderful literature, it has a great moral, and is perfect to tie into math!

Check out Collaboration Cuties for so many great reads!

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Day 10 Giveaway & Spark Student Motivation: Snowball Fight

Last day to win our favorite friends' products! And, it's another amazing day! Wait 'til you see what you can win!!!

Congratulations to Kelli O.!! 
She won yesterday's Rafflecopter of products!

Be sure to check out the following blogs to learn more about how they use these products in their classrooms!

Jivey from Ideas by Jivey is donating her Let It Snow! Math Activities for Upper Elementary Kids-super fun math games/activities-so perfect for the season!!

Amelia (the one who designed our amazing giveaway button) from Where the Wild Things Learn is donating her Jump Start January ELA Centers-wouldn't these be engaging at center time??!!

Mary from Fit to be Fourth is donating her Winter Word Work Resource-build your students' vocabulary with this adorable set!!

 Tara from 4th Grade Frolics is donating her Love Letter Math Centers your students will "LOVE" these activities!
AND, she's donating her Take a Ticket-You've Earned It-a motivational reward system for your kiddos!

Last day to enter for the $50 Amazon Gift Card and Classroom Friendly Pencil Sharpener is tomorrow! Good Luck!

Spark Student Motivation is back! I took a little break over the holidays-I hope you'll link up and share an idea, lesson, tip, trick, anything that gets your students motivated or excited!
It seemed like everyone got at least one snow day this week! Well, of course, we didn't get one in Florida, so I wanted to bring "snow" to my students!
I thought it would be a fun, quick way to review for vocabulary! (And, it was!) Each student wrote one of our vocabulary words with the synonym and antonym on a piece of white paper. (I didn't tell them what we were going to do with the paper-they just figured we were going to play some sort of review game). Then I had them crinkle it up and told them we were going to have a snowball fight...{insert lots of squeals of delight}.
 Okay, get ready...
I let them throw their snowballs for about a minute each time.
I let them throw them several times before I yelled, "FREEZE!"
Then my students had to open their "snowball" to review their vocabulary words.
We played a few rounds and they LOVED it and BEGGED to for more!
This could be used for any subject matter...a fun, easy, quick, seasonal way to motivate your students! :) 
Next week I think we'll build a snowman!

I hope you had a wonderful week! Please link up any lessons, ideas, tips, tricks, incentives, ANYTHING you do get your students motivated or excited!
Don't forget to grab my button and link back to this post!
Check out all the wonderful ideas from my friends who link up and don't forget to leave some love by commenting....we LOVE comments!

Friday, January 10, 2014

Day 9 Giveaway!

Wow!! It's already Day 9 of our giveaway! Check out the amazing prizes up for grabs today!

Congratulations to Susan T.!! 
She won yesterday's Rafflecopter of products!

Three more talented bloggers have donated products today! Be sure to check out their blogs to read more about how they use these products and follow them for additional ideas, tips, lessons, and freebies!

Wow!  Erin at I'm Lovin Lit is giving away her awesome Interactive Writing Notebooks~Sentences and Paragraphs for the Common Core!!

Check out these amazing Winter Interactive Notebook Activities and Flip Books for ANY Text that Amanda and Stacia at Collaboration Cuties are giving away!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Don't forget to check back tomorrow for a new Rafflecopter with more prizes from bloggers and to re-enter for your chance to win the pencil sharpener and $50 Amazon Giftcard!!  Drawing will be midnight on January 12th!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Day 8 Giveaway!

You have to enter to WIN!
New winners EVERY DAY!
Congratulations to Cecilia P.!! She won yesterday's Rafflecopter of products!
We are so lucky to have these three amazing ladies donating to our giveaway today! If you want new ideas, tips, lessons, and creative products you'll head on over to check out these wonderful bloggers/teachers!
Gina from Beach Sand and Lesson Plans is donating her Graphic Organizers for Analyzing Primary Sources...great for your history detectives to organize their thinking!

Michele from Coffee Cups and Lesson Plans is donating her Salt in His Shoes Comprehension, Inference, Reflective Writing Packet...lots of activities in this resource and perfect for Black History Month!
Jenny from Suntans and Lesson Plans is donating her {Math} Operation Snowball Fight-what kid doesn't like to play games?
 AND her Time is Golden: A Telling Time your students need practice telling time? Here you go!

 We've already had 7 lucky winners!!! Just could be the winner of these fantastic resources!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Don't forget to check back tomorrow for a new Rafflecopter with more prizes from bloggers and to re-enter for your chance to win the pencil sharpener and $50 Amazon Giftcard!! Drawing will be midnight on January 12th!
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