Showing posts with label Fractions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fractions. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Workshop Wednesday: Edible Math-Fractions

It's Workshop Wednesday time with my BBB Jivey! And, the yummy part about this week's topic is it's edible math! There are so many ways to incorporate food or candy into math lessons, and of course, these are the ones the kids remember! This topic was perfect timing...because today I introduced fractions with this book:
As soon as I started the book I said, "Oh, this book really isn't going to work without the Hershey Bars," and I walked away from the front of the room like I was going to get a different lesson. Then I shouted, "That' why I brought these today!!!!!!!"
They squealed with those sounds! (I should've incorporated writing using the 5 senses with this lesson-they were very descriptive with the smell and taste!---next year!)
We just went page by page going over basic fractions and terminology. For some this was a refresher, for some BRAND NEW! Like all of us, we have such varying levels of learners in our rooms. But even as a refresher, kids (or the teacher) won't be upset when it involves CHOCOLATE! 
We talked about equivalent fractions and ways to make one whole. 
We are learning about benchmark fractions, so breaking up the Hershey bar into fourths, thirds, and halves was a great introduction. 
And the best get to eat the fractions! 
Seriously, how much do you want to bet the next time they have a Hershey Bar they'll divide it into groups and tell the person they're with all about fractions??!! EXACTLY! They'll never look at a Hershey Bar without thinking of this math lesson again!
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