Showing posts with label Figurative Language. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Figurative Language. Show all posts

Friday, March 21, 2014

Educents Poetry Bundle

Do you know what's coming up next month??!! Poetry month! One of my favorite things about writing is teaching figurative language, which is a huge part of poetry.
Some of my favorite books/resources to teach idioms and figurative language are:
These are great for students to reference in your classroom. When I have a figurative language center, I leave several copies of the Scholastic Dictionary of Idioms out for students to use.

Poetry is just so fun to teach.. I hope you share the love! So some friends and I have teamed up with Educents for an amazing bundle of instant downloads to teach about poetry!

This bundle includes two of my products that I know your students will love and will be used all year long! 
This first product is one of my first products on TPT and I created it to get my students to use more idioms in their writing.
This bundle includes a pre-test and post-test. I just like to see what they know when they come into 4th grade...
Loving the end results!
I leave my idioms up all year long, but they could be introduced one at a time and put on a bulletin board. (We don't have much bulletin board space and I like the way it looks lined around my door!)

I make these posters interactive by having students place their name on a Post-it note every time they use that particular idiom in their writing or in conversation. That sticky note is a sure way to get them fired up about using these idioms!

Next up is one of my favorites...Figurative Language Bulletin Board and Tracking Sheets.
I love this because it is a year long bulletin board and all student produced!
As students find figurative language in books or during my read aloud, they record them on Post-its and put them on my metal cabinet. It's a very exciting time in our classroom when someone gets to post on the board!
When one of the sections fills up, you can start over again!
My favorite part about this part of my classroom is when I see students running over during writing to use one of these awesome examples of figurative language in their own writing! 
They also record their findings on student tracking sheets to reference in their writing folders.
Again, my favorite part about these products is that they are YEAR long, interactive, and brighten my classroom!
But wait, there's more...several of my buddies have combined their amazing products for this bundle! 
For a limited time it is $10.99 from Educents which is about 75% off!  It also includes these other great products so there is sure to things you love!  

And if you have never purchased from Educents before.. they always have a great deal for your first purchase.  Click here if you are a first time purchaser to take advantage of a  special offer just for you!

You can also take peek at some of the other products included in the bundle at any of the links below!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Workshop Wednesday: Bring an Idiom to School

So excited to link up with my BBB Jivey for an idea I think you'll LOVE!
 I love teaching writing, especially figurative's my favorite!
I created this fun activity to review or introduce new idioms with your students!
I call it "Bring an Idiom to School!"
Students look for objects around their house to represent an idiom and bring it to school.
They show their classmates and then they try to guess which idiom the object represents.
It's basically SHOW & TELL for big kids with an academic focus! :O)

Want to play??!! Here are some of the idioms my students brought to school!
Answers at the bottom!

1. ace up my sleeve
2. keep your eyes on the ball
3. caught red handed
4. once in a blue moon
5. apple of my eye
6. catching some z's
How many did you get right??!! Pretty fun right? I created this form for my students to complete and assigned a due date-easy and fun!!!

Want a copy? If you're a FACEBOOK FAN, you can have it! Just click the Fan Freebies to download! Enjoy! (Limited time only-fan freebies change often).

Need some idiom activities or yearlong bulletin boards? Check out these items:
Idiom Posters Bundled Set, Idiom Poster Quotes, and Figurative Language Interactive Bulletin Board.

You may be interested in one of my newest products:
Reading Non-Fiction With Post-Its
or my Interactive Character Analysis Posters (also using Post-Its!)-they make me happy!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Workshop Wednesday: Figurative Language
I look forward to Wednesdays for a few reasons...we have early release (1 hour early), we've made it to the halfway point of the work week, and I get to learn new ideas from my BBB Jivey for her Workshop Wednesday!
Figurative language is one of my favorite things about teaching writing (I think that it's my students too!). Once they start recognizing figurative language in their reading it starts transferring to their exciting for us as teachers! One of the ways I get my students to recognize and use figurative language in their writing is with my interactive figurative language bulletin board. I created this for a visual for my students to use as a reference and to engage them in their learning.
If you've ever read my blog, you know I try to incorporate Post-its DAILY in my classroom. (My name is Joanne Miller, and I am ADDICTED  to Post-Its...ok, I feel better now!) Each group has Post-Its in their tubs and can post findings of figurative language any time they find them in their reading. We REALLY love this bulletin board! It's interactive, purposeful, a resource for students, students have ownership, can be used as a formative assessment, and it can stay up all year long!
Here's one way I use it as a formative assessment...look at the close up below.
See how many similes they found? They are GREAT at identifying similes, but don't feel as confident at identifying the other types of figurative language. So, I know I need to model the other types more often and help them identify them during read alouds. They have student tracking sheets to record their findings in their writing folders. Here is a writing sample I took today-very excited to see this board transferring over to their writing! 
"John  Baptush is in my house. I almost screamed my head off."

"That was a barrel of fun. That ride was as fast as a bullet dashing up into space, a universe with amazing stars!"
The best part is when a section gets filled, we take down the Post-Its and start over!
Check out all the other ideas linked up this week to W.W.!

Friday, June 28, 2013

Five For Friday: Birthday Sale, New Products. & More!

Happy Friday Everyone! I hope you had a great week! On Fridays I love linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching to find out what everyone did all week and on Fridays it's time to play kickball!!
My birthday was Wednesday and to celebrate my TPT Store will be 20% off until midnight tomorrow evening!
Look what I got in the mail on my birthday from my BBB Jivey! It was such a nice surprise and she didn't even know it was my birthday! She made my day!
I "cutesified" 3 more products for my TPT Store! Here they are:
Perfect to hang over your chalkboard!
The "mini" version is for students to use as a manipulative.
Blackline and color version available.

I had several emails asking about this file cabinet in my classroom that I posted several months ago. This bulletin board is perfect to keep track of all that figurative language your class encounters during the year and wants to keep track of! Also included are student tracking sheets for students to reference during writing-gives them ownership of their learning.
 Students get so excited about illustrating these idioms-makes a great bulletin board display!
Great visual for students to reference and learn new idioms!
Have you heard of Coupon Sherpa??!!
It's a MUST-HAVE app! All of your favorite places have coupons on this app-no more cutting those paper coupons. I know everyone is crafting and creatng this summer, so it's great to have Hobby Lobby, Michael's and JoAnn Fabrics coupons at your fingertips! There are hundreds of your local stores on this app!

I have been working on my office for over a day! I needed to clean out and organize badly! You know those drawers you just throw everything in? I took everything out and labeled/organized that drawer!

 Here is my bookcase-I love it! I had it custom made for my "teacher" books (the carpenter who built it borrowed one of my standard sized books to customize it for me). Anyway, you know how things get during the school year: tossed anywhere, upside down, junk that doesn't even belong in there...tell me you can relate.
 Here she is...nice and neatly organized! I cleaned out a bunch of stuff and got rid of old outdated materials. All books are by subject.
I know you know about my Post-It and label obsession...there's a few packages of labels and cardstock on the bottom shelf, but my prized possessions are held elsewhere.
Doesn't it feel so good to get a big project completed?
In case you haven't heard....dozens of bloggers are each having a giveaway to get you to follow their blog through Bloglovin'. Thanks Amanda for setting this wonderful linky up!
If you're not already following me, I'd love for you to! Don't forget to enter my giveaway! 3 winners and the grand prize winner will get a package delivered to their doorstop!
Follow by clicking my button below, on the sidebar, or on Rafflecopter!


Go check out what everyone else did this week!

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