Showing posts with label Eating Drinking and Linking Oh My. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Eating Drinking and Linking Oh My. Show all posts

Monday, July 8, 2013

Monday Made It: Back to School

Happy Monday! I’m on my way to New York, but I made a few things this week and wanted to link up with Tara for her Monday Made It!

I found these beach balls on clearance at Hobby Lobby (do you notice something about those colors??!!) They were so cute and I figured I could think of something to do with them!

And, on the way home I thought of this:

Getting to Know You Beach Ball

It could be a quick 5 minute filler that first day or week of school to “break the ice”. Students take turns throwing the ball around the room and wherever their right thumb lands they need to answer the question to give more information about themselves to their new classmates.

Also, for that first week of school I made a Back to School Autobiography! I’m so excited about this creation! I love the composition book format! This will be perfect for students to work on while I’m assessing my students individually or taking care of all those beginning of the year forms, supplies, and housekeeping!

There are so many ways to use this book:
  • Pre-writing assessment
  • Learn more about my students (interest inventory)
  • Great open house display
  • Creative, fun way for students to write their own autobiography
  • Each page has space for an illustration or 4x6 photo
WANT TO WIN THIS FOR BACK TO SCHOOL? You can "pin to win" below! After you pin from my blog or TPT, copy the url address and paste it in the comments below. Three winners will be chosen!
I finally made my pom pom dry erase markers I've been seeing all over Pinterest. This literally takes seconds-I hope that little pom pom really erases! I’ll update you the first week we go back!
(I hot glued 1 ½” pom poms to the markers).
 Several people asked me questions about this money bag, so I wanted to show the inside of the bag with the money rolled up.
(Yes, we had another birthday party this weekend!)
 It’s rolled up so that when it’s pulled it doesn’t get stuck. Kids love these money machines! Like the last time I posted, if you’d like the pull here arrows, leave me a comment with your email and I’ll be glad to send them to you!
I’m also linking up with my sweet friend Christy for her Eating, Drinking, and Linking Oh My party! Now, I don’t like to cook, but I always get a lot of requests for this recipe! :O)
Don't you love it? Whenever I sign up for M&M Casserole, people who don’t know about it get very excited about this delicious sounding dessert…until they see the casserole dish with several kinds of M&Ms mixed together! Of course, I come in with potholders and a little flour on my face! I put out the recipe cards as an extra touch!
 Hope you have a great week! Don’t forget to pin to win! Winners will be announced and emailed Wednesday!

Monday, June 17, 2013

Monday Made Its

Monday means time to link up with Tara for Monday Made It! Sorry to post twice in one day, but I couldn't link my giveaway with my "made its", it would be way too long! I don't have any major projects to share, but a few quick ideas.
 My son turned 14 on Saturday, so I had to think of a creative way to give him some cash! I rolled up the bills with his extra rubberbands from his braces (I knew they'd come in handy some day!).
I placed the rolled bills inside the balloons and spread them all over my son's bedroom floor before he woke up. He was very excited to pop them!
Warning: It takes about an hour to make the balloons and about ten seconds to pop them! 
 I made this banner for my daughter's luau!
Look at these gorgeous girls with their luau accessories!
Unfortunately, they didn't stay on long...they wanted to jump in the pool! 
 We made this for my husband for Father's Day-this gives him the OK to play! :O)
My children also decorated his windows of his truck-they loved sneaking out and painting at night when he was sleeping!
Got this idea from Pinterest-can't find the original source. :(
 The last item I made this week was my first blog button for my 300 Follower Giveaway! What do you think? Click here to enter both giveaways!
Also, linking up with my buddy Christy for her Eating, Drinking, and Linking Oh My! I hope these count Christy...I'm not much of a cook! :O)
Fruit Kabobs: Made these for my daughter's luau-2 huge trays full and they were gone in minutes! Something about fruit on a stick makes it more appealing! I also use these for 4th of July!
If you like corner brownies, don't like cutting them, or just want them all the same size, then this brownie pan is for you! They are made by Pfaltzgraff-you can see them here. I used these for gifts at Christmas time with a box of brownie mix and everyone loved them! They're amazing!
They look like cupcake pans, but they're designed for brownies.
 See? Perfect brownies!
 Hope you're getting lots of ideas to pin and make from both these linky parties! 

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