Showing posts with label Currently. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Currently. Show all posts

Friday, August 2, 2013

Currently and Facebook Giveaway

I'm linking up with Farley for her monthly CURRENTLY!

Listening to Meet the Robinsons in the car, my children have seen it at least a dozen times, but definitely a family favorite. Such a sweet movie!
Loving when I get a project/task done at my house. Unfortunately, I didn’t get anything “big” completed this summer, but I’ve organized a few closets/drawers and got two home repairs done. I keep telling myself I have to be thankful for the little things I get done and not be stressed about what I didn’t get done.

Thinking about how my list of “things to do” keeps growing the closer we get to school. Does anyone else cross off one thing and add three more? I’m not sure what happened to the summer, but it’s OVER!

Wanting a Silhouette Cameo…I’ve had my eye on one of these for over a year. I REALLY want one! Of course, then I’d have to add how to use a Cameo to my to do list! I love all the vinyl projects that could be created with this treasure!

Needing more closet space (in every room). Why do they make closets so small? Even after I organize a closet, I still need more room! And my classroom, forget it! This school is pretty new (6th year) and they have very little storage and classroom space (budget cuts I guess!)

Back to School:
1- Fabric, and ribbon, from Hobby Lobby to decorate and accessorize my classroom. As much as I love all that stuff, it can be a bit overwhelming-so many decisions!
2-Cardstock-all colors and patterns, I use it for everything!
3-Post-its! I don’t think my life would be complete without my Post-It Note collection! From 1” squares to large chart paper and every size and color in between, I use them every day in my classroom for lessons.

Thank you Megan at for clipart.

 My BBB Jivey is heading up a Mega giveaway on Facebook! Eight days of giveaways! If you haven't been already you better go check out all the great bloggers and great goodies!!! Start at Ideas by Jivey's Facebook page and make sure you're following Head Over Heels For Teaching Facebook too! 

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Currently: June

It's time to link up with Farley for her monthly Currently!
I'm sure many think it's relaxing to sit by the pool, but when my three kids and a few friends join them, add a husband who's leading chicken's a little stressful! :O)

Why does the end of the year get so CRAZY??!! I can't wait til this mayhem is over! Awards, report cards, cum folders, packing up the room, end of soccer season, birthday parties, dance recitals, retirement parties, award ceremonies, performances, teacher gifts, the list goes on and on... It seems like no matter how organized I try to be, there's always something waiting for me to do. Anybody else with me??

I'm so dreading last day with the students. I'm never great about saying goodbye to my class each year, but this year is going to be especially hard. I truly have a class family, they have bonded so closely together and with me. My husband makes fun of me because he says,"You say this every year." You always say, "This class is different." "This class is special." "I love this class." (He makes fun of me every year!)  I guess it's a good thing that I'm sad, right???

Where do those Fairy God Mothers get those wands? How great would it be if EVERYTHING was caught up and complete? I know it's a fantasy, but I can wish!

I want to make sure I find a good balance this summer between entertaining/spending time with my family, house projects, class projects, soccer and gymnastics camps, TPT creations, and blogging. I'm thinking some kind of schedule will help keep me focused so that one thing doesn't outweigh the other and tasks get completed. I'll get my children to help me so we all have ownership.

Living in Florida, flip flops and sunscreen are a MUST for summer! You all know I love heels, but I gotta give these feet a break! :O) We're planning a trip to New York to see one of my dear friends, Melissa, can't wait to spend time with her and her family!

Thanks Farley for hosting!
Oh' boy fourth grade

Thursday, May 2, 2013


Linking up with Farley for this month's Currently! I can't believe it's already May!!!
Oh' boy fourth grade
Listening to Survivor-I'm a die-hard fan! I've never missed an episode and I'm the one dork who actually bought one of those buffs they used to advertise at the end of each episode!

Loving that my class was good for the sub for FOUR days while I was on the Disney Cruise...yes, I feel totally guilty, but it's almost double the price in summer!
Thinking about the million things I need to do in the next week to prepare for my Mother's Tea Extravaganza! It's all the little details that are so time consuming!
Wanting my hair done!! I need a cut and hi-lights so badly!
Needing an assistant! How can I get one of these? Isn't there some high school student that loves running errands??!! And, it would be an added bonus if she could do hair!!! :O)
Summer Bucket List includes making my backyard cozier. We paved our entire backyard and the space looks larger, but lacks a flow that can work for entertaining and family fun. I think by adding some couches, umbrellas, and finding a better layout will complete this space. I also want to replace some accessories to change the look of the interior.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Currently April

It's April! Linking up with Farley for this month's Currently!

Listening: Don't you notice when you're working on 18 projects at once your kids want to play tag in the house?

Loving: I have 25 fourth grade darlings! I have such a great class family! I enjoy going to work everyday...even the Monday after Spring Break! (Even though I got barely anything crossed off my to do list!)

Thinking: I'm starting a new linky party this Saturday... Spark Student Motivation Saturdays! We will share our magic tricks to motivate our students for behavior, academics, Reading Counts, participation, homework, etc. I hope this will be a successful linky to share ideas to motivate our students and each other! Come join the fun!

Wanting: I posted this last month too and I didn't get my wish, so I'll try again...I need more time! Where can we buy it? Someone could be rich!!!

Needing: A life preserver to save me from drowning in all these lists! Does anyone else ever say..."Once I get this done, I'll have more time."??!! I say it all the time, but there's always something else waiting!

Advice: I am so thankful to have the support of some amazing bloggers in my little bloggy life! I'd like to give a shout out to Jivey (whose font I used on my Currently poster :O)), Amanda & Stacia, Holly, AMC, Christy, Diane, Jackie & Danielle. These girls always support me with encouraging words and comments on my blog. I appreciate you! It's so nice to have people who genuinely want to help you!

Monday, March 4, 2013


I'm linking up for the first time with Farley for her monthly Currently! So excited!

Listening to the Walking Dead (last night's episode). Does anyone else watch? I'm totally addicted! I never in a million years thought I'd like a "zombie" show, but I wish it was on every night! It's like a scary soap opera! :)

Loving that I finally reached my first milestone! It took me longer than I hoped, but I'm trying to be a more consistent blogger and share ideas and resources that I hope everyone enjoys. I'm having a great giveaway thanks to some great friends I've met! You have until Friday to enter to win some fabulous prizes! Plus, I'm participating in another AMAZING giveaway as well...scroll down to see more. It's so wonderful knowing that we are all here to help each other-I think of blogging as my "adult time".

Wanting more time! Where does it go? Has any teacher ever said, "Wow, I'm all caught up. What am I going to do for the next four hours?" NEVER! No matter how organized and on top of paperwork I try to be, there's always more to do. (It doesn't help that my mind races with new ideas constantly!) I have post-its and notepads everywhere to try to keep track of all my ideas! I can't even keep up with myself!

Needing/must have more closet space! I dread doing laundry because I have to squish my clothes on the racks...I'm not very good at purging clothes...well, my own clothes. I have several friends who have the rule: If you buy a new item, you have to get rid of an item. YUCK! Why would I throw away a perfectly great shirt? If I could get my husband to share a closet with one of the kids it would be perfect! Just kidding! Not really.

Like jammin' to any music! Dancing just puts everyone in a good mood! We have 1 minute dance parties all the time in our classroom-release some energy and put smiles on everyone's faces. Seriously, have you ever seen someone dancing who was mad??!! Nope, it spreads happiness!
Love jewelry! Costume jewelry-I love accessorizing! I like big, bold stoppers! When I wear my big rings I tell my students it's my Power Ring!
Hate jerks! Why are some people so mean? (They're probably not dancers!!!)

My friends Amanda & Stacia are having a HUGE giveaway! They'd love to have you drop by and enter!

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