Showing posts with label Back To School. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Back To School. Show all posts

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Spark Student Motivation: Welcome Back!

We had a great first week of school, but I'm exhausted!
The first week of school is so important to set expectations and develop routines and procedures, but it's equally important to build community and have a memorable first week!

I sent home VIP Entrance Tickets in the mail to invite my students to Meet the Teacher! I love how they all brought their tickets with them! Kids love getting mail!

Also at Meet the Teacher, I have a display for them to pick up some goodies (welcome back water bottle, pencil, erasers, and a ruler).
 Display letters are from my Back to School Reading & Writing Bundle

 This banner is a welcome to my students to let them know I'm excited about starting a new year with them!
 I found these cute props that are perfect for photo opportunities!
Here's our countdown to a New Year! It's a little loud, but they LOVE it!
 For our Happy New School Year Party I pass out hats, horns and necklaces. They get to take these home and they probably drive their parents crazy!
 Even though we saved Fred last year, it's a fun team building activity that gets them all excited! They had different teams and strategies this year.

We discussed our class Non-Negotiables and Class Procedures, but we also have to throw in some team building and community building activities!
The first week sets the tone for the rest of the year! Make it structured, organized, special, memorable, and fun for you and your students!
Here's to a GREAT SCHOOL YEAR!!!
***This linky will be open for two weeks due to the Labor Day Holiday. :)
I hope you had a wonderful week! Please link up any lessons, ideas, tips, tricks, incentives, ANYTHING you do get your students motivated or excited!
Don't forget to grab my button and link back to this post!
Check out all the wonderful ideas from my friends who link up and don't forget to leave some love by commenting....we LOVE comments!
***Please include the topic in the link up with your blog name.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Positive Comments-Can you give THREE-FIVE minutes a week?

Start the year off on a positive note! Let's make a commitment together to make a positive impact on our class!

Positively Positive!!!
 Make a commitment to make ONE positive phone call, text, or note a week. ONE? That's so doable. As a matter of fact, once you start making these phone calls and hearing their responses, you might get CRAZY and make a few calls! :) First of all, think of how you'll feel making this call-there's NO parent that will be upset or argue about hearing something wonderful about their child! (This is your opportunity to win over any difficult parents). You will build rapport with the parents, your students will want to work even harder, and your heart will be filled from noticing the good in every student.
It can be something big or small, something extra the student did during the day, something another student pointed out to you, etc.:
  • participated more
  • took on a leadership role
  • was a peacemaker
  • used good manners
  • stayed focused
  • helped you or a classmate
  • cleaned up without being asked
  • showed initiative
  • shared materials
  • completed homework
  • finished a book
This is not a phone call to make any suggestions of improvement or negative comments after your positive comment. Even if the parent asks a question that could lead to negative talk, you need to change the subject or end the conversation on the positive note you started on. You can make that phone call another time, this time is for positivity ONLY.

Have your notes ready to keep it brief and to the point-stay focused on why you made this contact. I created this student log to keep us on track. List all your students, then fill in the reason for making the positive phone call, and date you made the call. This list will also help you make sure everyone gets a phone call or note at some time.

I'm not saying go "in order", or that one student may not have three positive forms of communication before one of your more challenging students gets one. We don't want it to be "staged", we want it to be genuine, but we want all students to receive or feel this positive praise, so we don't want to leave anyone out!

Share their strengths and what they add to your classroom.

What will sadden you is when you make the phone call to the parent who says, "No one has every called to tell me something good about my child." These are the kids who need these calls the MOST!

Imagine what this phone call would do for a parent! You recognized the great in their son or daughter! They know about that greatness, but someone else recognized it, which makes it even more special!

I know how many hours we work already, but I also know that a phone call can take three minutes. ALL OF US can give three-five minutes! Imagine if every teacher allocated 15 minutes a week (one a day) to calling parents with good news, the impact could be tremendous! I know our teacher to do lists are long and positive comments may not be at the top, but just try it! I promise it will have such great effects on your classroom! Try calling a few students' parents and see what happens. The ripple effects for the student, parents, and you will be transformational.

Make sure you thank the parent for their support and encouragement for their child to continue this great behavior!

I'm including a calendar to ensure commitment on your part. I feel like if I put something in writing, I'm more likely to complete it. (Tell me I'm not alone!)
Do you know how proud or excited you'll feel after you look at your list of positives in a couple of months? It's a win-win!
I've also made some cute notecards, just in case phone calls are not possible some weeks. Print on bright paper and you will brighten your student's day!

Let’s be positive together!
Let's make an agreement/contract! You know how we are, if we put it in writing, we are more likely to do it! So, if you will be a "Positive Pusher", write I  WILL in the comments with your email (if you're not a blogger) and I'll send you the forms! Together we are better!

I hope you had a wonderful week! Please link up any lessons, ideas, tips, tricks, incentives, ANYTHING you do get your students motivated or excited!
Don't forget to grab my button and link back to this post!
Check out all the wonderful ideas from my friends who link up and don't forget to leave some love by commenting....we LOVE comments!
***Please include the topic in the link up with your blog name.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

iTeach Fifth New Blog Post: Non-Negotiables-Setting the Tone

Non-Negotiables for your classroom-what is a MUST in your classroom? Want to know more and pick up a surprise?  Read on!

I'm so excited to be a collaborator with the iTeach Fifth blog and today was my first post! I would love for you to check it out and leave a comment if you stop by!
Click the button below!

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Light a Fire With a Good Back to School Book and Giveaway!

Some teachers have already started school and for the rest of us, it's right around the corner. It's important to start thinking about a game plan for your students this year. But there's SOOOO much to think about! Well, help is on the way!

Several of us bloggers have come together to give you some awesome ideas for Back to School Books! These books can be used to set up your classroom community, begin a good lesson, or just as a fun read-aloud.

The book I'd like to share with you is...

It's a great book for...
Building Community!
As teachers we need to provide opportunities for students to help and support each other in a safe learning environment. This community building needs to take place all year long, but especially needs to be the focus at the beginning of the year. It will set the tone and culture for your classroom. It will have to be deliberate. Community building will have to be the focus with every lesson until it is natural for your students to help, encourage, and support each other on their own.
One of my favorite ways to uplift each other is to "fill our buckets"!
 Have You Filled a Bucket Today is PERFECT for pointing out the obvious effects of complimenting or being mean to someone. Positive behavior like complimenting, encouraging, supporting, or helping someone fills buckets, while bullying, being mean, or ignoring others dips into buckets. I want my students to be BUCKET FILLERS! I create a bulletin board with each students' name on a bucket and they write positive sticky notes as someone is demonstrating kindness or appreciation and place them on each others' buckets. It's very exciting for my students to give or receive a sticky note!
This activity is from my Back to School Reading & Writing Pack. It's filled with activities and ideas using reading and writing to make your classroom a positive learning environment. I've selected popular books that you may own or be in your school library. Even if you can't find one, I've included a SafeShare link for every book, so you can show the video of the read aloud for students to watch.

Spending the initial time up front forming these relationships will prevent future problems and if a problem does arise, it will be handled in a respectful way because of the community you've built.
These reading and writing activities are sure to make the first month back fun and give you several opportunities to build community.

And have you heard? Teachers Pay Teachers is having a site-wide Back to School Sale August 3rd and 4th, so you will be able to get this Back To School Reading & Writing-Activities to Build Community in Your Classroom 28% off using the promo code BTS15!

We know what else really "lights a fire" in you, and that is fabulous technology! We are giving away a brand new Kindle Fire HD6 to one lucky winner! 
Enter the rafflecopter below by hopping through each of our blogs and entering the secret word that can be found on the tablet in each of our posts. Also make sure to follow our TPT stores because the winner will be announced through a message in your TPT inbox! 
(Is anyone surprised by MY SECRET WORD??!!)

We are also giving away a $25 gift certificate to Creative Teaching Press!
Good luck! We hope you have a successful start to your school year! 
Click the image to hop to the next blog!

Monday, July 13, 2015

Monday Made Its-Back to School Resources and Gifts

I'm so excited to say I actually "met" Tara in Vegas and she's even sweeter in person if that's possible!
 I have a few things to share today:
I really LOVE the fashion hats from Buckle, but they're about $45 a piece, so I decided to try to make my own! I bought the hat and supplies at Hobby Lobby. I figured the hat was only $6.99 (and I used a 40% off coupon), so if I messed it up, it wouldn't be too bad. :)
In the first picture you may notice an applique, but I decided not to use it after I started "blinging" out my hat. I only used rhinestones and pearls and it really changes the whole look. I used the E6000 glue which means these jewels will NEVER fall off, but it leaves an odor. It's only been a day and the odor is already fading. I think I would try a hot glue gun if I did it again.
I know some of you don't want to think about it, but some people are actually heading back to school soon! I finally finished the last wreath of my wreath bundle craftivity set!
Here's the Back to School Reading Wreath-perfect for students to complete on their first reading assignment to show off at open house!

I made these blog buttons for my buddies for our Vegas trip so we would be recognizable to new friends. :) So many of us memorize the blog button, so it's nice when you can put a face to it!
 I also made notebooks for my blogging buddies. I printed their logo on full sheet labels. I used my large scallop punch to cut out the logos and placed them on top of the notebooks. I printed stickers on full size labels that read "handmade by Joanne" for the back of the notebooks. I used my 1" circle punch to make these.

A little ribbon and a matching pen and I was all set! :)
 This would be a great gift for your teammates!
I also printed and laminated my Back to School Scoot {FREEBIE}. Grab this goodie here, but please read about how I plan to use it here first. You will gain valuable information that will set the tone for the year!
I hope you found some ideas for your classroom or your head today! :) Go check out all the other fabulous ideas on Tara's Monday Made It!

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Freebie! Back to School Scoot Game...Valuable Information From Questions

OK, now what?

You conduct a "getting to know you" activity in your classroom that first day or week and what do you do with it? Do you hang it up for open house or send home with their graded papers? Let's take a minute to delve into the hearts and minds of our students and use it to our advantage.

Sounds sneaky right??!!

Let's start by asking the right questions and getting the most with this information.

You’ll find out the interests, values, and experiences of each student. Then it's our job to take those interests and experiences and run with them!

Take advantage of this information, if you're asking the right questions, this could be very valuable! These questions give our students a voice and a say so to speak in their education. They're telling us information that we could use for future lessons or motivation. We just need to listen carefully.

Everything you need to know at your fingertips!

With this activity you can learn many things, some are:
  • your students likes/dislikes
  • book interests
  • study habits
  • feelings about school
  • fears
  • strengths/weaknesses
And, all from your students...making this information valuable! By asking these personal questions in a "fun" format I can show I care by acting upon their answers.

For example, if they choose soccer as an outdoor activity they like or sport they play, I can choose reading materials for him/her based on this interest. I can create a science or math lesson geared around soccer and allow them to be the "helper or expert". I will be teaching, building community, and student self-esteem all at the same time.

Another example, maybe they choose "math" as their least favorite subject. I'll need to find out right away why my student doesn't like math. Is it because they don't know their multiplication facts, parents don't like math, get anxious during math? I could offer some one on one help before or after school or send home a fun math sheet or website to get my student turned around and loving math!

Maybe one of my students doesn't have a "homework spot" or "someone who sets a good example for them". I will gather materials and make a homework toolkit and suggest spots in their home and I will set out to be the role model they need in their life. We have a lot of power, we just need to utilize it! :)

THESE ARE OPPORTUNITIES! Read all of the recording sheets, let your students share their voice, and be a part of the way you start your year!

What kind of questions do I ask?

I've created a list of questions I feel will get us some really helpful information about our kids. They are quick questions for students to answer and I designed them in a Scoot Game! Fun for everyone! 

I thought this would be perfect since my students love Scoot! I could introduce them to this game and complete my getting to know you activity at the same time!

(Establish your traffic patterns and teach the directions for Scoot the first week, then you can play all year!)

Did I mention this is a FREE resource??!! That's how excited I am about you using these questions to learn more about your students and using the information to make your classroom the BEST it can be! :)  xoxo  Click here to get this resource.

I'd love to hear your thoughts about this post. 

Monday, September 8, 2014

Monday Made It: Back to School and Updated Product

The first month of school is so crazy busy right? It's a wonder we even have time to sleep! I wanted to link up with my buddy Tara for her fun linky, Monday Made It.
I hope you can use some of these ideas!
This was part of my display for my Welcome Back to School table, I made a pencil cake.
You will need: foam circles, large file rubber bands, pencils, paper confetti or tissue paper, cake plate.
 First get your round foam circles and glue together (I used three and placed on top of each other-Dollar Tree). Then just line up the pencils all the way around, inserting pencils inside the rubber bands. My cake took about 80 pencils. Super easy and cute!

 Glue foam circles together and insert pencils all the way around the cake. I used a piece of paper because I didn't want to see the green foam in between the pencils, but they fit so snug that you won't see the paper anyway.
I think I'll break this out again for Open House, it makes a cute centerpiece and it only takes a few minutes!

I made these cute soaps for my children's teachers for the first day of school that I found on Pinterest.
You could use these for Teacher Appreciation, Just Because, Christmas, etc.
Would you like a copy of these labels? Click here! :)
I also updated one of my popular products for back to school. I added a few quotes and black backgrounds as well. Download again if you've already purchased this product for the updated file. These Inspirational Posters have been created every year in my classroom for the last 17 years! It's one of my favorite activities to make my students feel this is "their" classroom. Plus, it's a great way to save money on premade posters! These are perfect for Open House! Once your students make them for your class, others will put in their requests for posters orders!
Want a chance to win a set? Pin to win! winner will be notified on Wednesday by email. (Please make sure you leave your email in the comments if you're not a blogger).
Pin this image, copy and paste the URL in the comments...that's it! Have a great week!

Monday, September 1, 2014

Tips for the First Day of School

I started two weeks ago and I know so many start this week, so I thought I'd share a few tips that may help you! :)

Study the Yearbook 

If you don't know all of your students in your new class get your hands on last year's yearbook. What a nice welcome to those who enter your room if you call them by name! They will think you have secret powers or know magic! LOL

Labeled Tubs

When students enter your room they can take out their supplies and place them in labeled bins. I also have two trays for paperwork that was passed out at Meet the Teacher to be returned. This system needs little direction and all of your supplies will already be organized for you!
*If you don't have tubs, use cardboard boxes or label areas on the table.

Have Everything Ready to Go!

Everything has to be at your fingertips that first week, especially that first day of school! (You can't turn your back on them!) On my table I have materials, important paperwork, read alouds, and manipulatives ready to go. When they are finished putting away their school supplies, they can start on their It's All About Me Poster. This poster will be a great getting to know you activity and make for a great hallway display. This will be the "thing" they do if they have any free time for the next couple of days.

Class Procedures

I can't stress the importance of having classroom procedures. This is your chance to set up the routines you want for your classroom. You can grab a copy of my Class Procedures (written in a positive format) in my TPT store for FREE. :)
Things to discuss/think about: signals for bathroom, water, broken pencil. What do students do if they complete an assignment early (early finishers)? What materials are they able to use in your classroom? How many books should they have at their desk? Where do they turn in papers (classwork, homework, tests)?

Attention Signal

What are you going to use to get your students' attention? Have a poster/sign or something ready so there's no confusion or forgetting. Some teachers clap and students copy, "give me five", class/class, yes/yes, cute phrases students finish, a bell, chimes...everyone has a favorite, just tell them what it is when you discuss procedures.

Read Alouds


Have those read alouds ready for the first day. I always have a few picture books for lessons and a chapter book in case I have an extra five minutes or need a filler. We can't have any downtime, it must be very structured until we train them! I was so excited to finally compile so many of my reading and writing activities for back to school a few weeks ago. I have used so many of these tried and true activities since my first year teaching! This resource will build community in your classroom starting on day one!! It sparks great discussion and offers wonderful teachable moments. Even if you don't own all of the books for this product, I've included a video link for every book! The meaningful activities are print and go and will make lasting memories! Click here to read more about this pack.

Notice That Great Behavior!


Do you have a reward system in place? Whether it be points, fuzzy poofers, stickers, tickets, marbles, or even a compliment, have something ready to notice ALL THE GREAT things you want to see continued all year with your students. For example, students sharing with each other, complimenting each other, following procedures, participating, waiting their turn, volunteering to help, etc. This is the "honeymoon period" so we need to take advantage of this time so others will copy the behavior you're rewarding.

How Do They Get Home?

Find out IMMEDIATELY how your students get home if you don't already know. If you don't do it right away, you may forget with the craziness of the first day! This will also give you time to call home during your lunch or planning if your students don't know how they are going home. Use your class list to write their mode of transportation next to their name if you don't have a form. The first day of school is when most students end up at the wrong location for after school dismissal.
I hope you can use at least one of these tips, sometimes it's hard to remember everything that first day! Even as teachers we get nervous! Good luck if you haven't started school!
Here's to a GREAT school year!

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